Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Language: instrument for progress or tool of destruction

Learning a new language can be a wondrous thing. It offers the ears and mind an opportunity to engage in cultural societies and with diverse peoples whom otherwise were distanced or even restricted in the past. But as a descendant of those whom cherished oral traditions, seeking to now interact another first nations culture who traditionally communicated via oral traditions, it almost seems corrupt and false to bridge the language gap through a dialogue that is neither ancestral or traditional to each our own. Yet, here we are, learning the national language, that has been forced to replace the 125+ traditional languages and dialects of Shangri-La, of which all government, political & educational institutions are instructed to use. The essence of colonialism lives on in various forms around the world....and the pursuits of Indigenous Peoples to reclaim all that has been lost continues globally. Just as #5 suggests.....

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